Solomon's Corner
Solomon's Corner
Ep. 27 The Melody of Marxism

Ep. 27 The Melody of Marxism

Was Lizzo's flute playing an effect of cultural Marxism in America? These ideas are explained more fully in the final chapters of our #BookClub read, The Captive Mind by Czeslaw Milosz.

Today, we discuss a back-and-forth I had on Twitter with an influencer with the Babylon Bee about whether Lizzo's flute playing was an effect of cultural Marxism in America. These ideas are explained more fully in the final chapters of our #BookClub read, The Captive Mind by Czeslaw Milosz. In these last pages, Milosz unpacks the impact Communism has on nations and Christianity. Finally, we conclude with Milosz's testimony of his choice between a life of academic prestige under communism, or the path of truth and human dignity as a representative of those "Eternal Slaves", whose voices we would never hear if it weren't for the pen of Czeslaw Milosz.


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Solomon's Corner
Solomon's Corner is hosted by Daniel Roberts. We aim to inspire "everyday joes" with content that enables you to live an intellectual life. If you love philosophy, theology, and other "big ideas", welcome. This is a place for thinkers.