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Jesus famously said a house divided cannot stand. The recent divisions within the “Christian Conservative” demonstrate this fact: morally, socially, and spiritually Christians are dividing over everything. Ted Cruz has come out in favor of IVF and Daily Wire drama continues, but the question is not “Is Christ King?” the question is “Where is his Kingdom?” We analyze “America’s Philosopher, Alexis De Tocqueville and his prescient thoughts on the matter.

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Books Referenced in Show: Democracy in America and Two Essays on America (Penguin Classics):

He Leadeth Me by Fr. Walter Cisek, S.J. :

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Solomon's Corner
Solomon's Corner
Solomon's Corner is hosted by Daniel Roberts. We aim to inspire "everyday joes" with content that enables you to live an intellectual life. If you love philosophy, theology, and other "big ideas", welcome. This is a place for thinkers.